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1. Discovering Dinosaurs

Many people are fascinated by dinosaurs.

Discovering Dinosaurs

Abundant fossil evidence has been discovered that gives us important clues about these extinct creatures. Bones and teeth provide many interesting details about dinosaurs. But amazingly, fossilized eggs, tracks, skin impressions—and even rare fossilized dinosaur mummies have actually been found.

2. What is a Dinosaur?

What is a Dinosaur?

Scientists have identified specific characteristics about dinosaurs that show what kind of animals they were. The first clue is the number of extra holes in their skulls.

3. How to Identify a Dinosaur

How to Identify a Dinosaur

When scientists discover a fossil, specific traits are used to identify whether or not it is a dinosaur. Let’s explore four traits which confirm that a fossil really is a dinosaur.

4. Dinosaur Groups

Dinosaur Groups

Dinosaurs are sorted into groups using a variety of interesting characteristics. Cladograms are a good way to use these traits to organize dinosaur groups according to their similarities and differences.

5. Dinosaur Diversity

Dinosaur Diversity

Many fascinating kinds of dinosaurs have been discovered. Although some scientists use cladograms to try to learn about evolution, creationist scientists use cladograms to study the similarities and differences of organisms that were created by God.

6. Dinosaur Research Project

Glenn Hanson requested that the dinosaur bones on his ranch be interpreted from a evolutionary and creationist perspective.

Dinosaur Research Project

The result was a prediction that real science would no longer be done at Hanson Ranch. But instead, cutting-edge methods for studying fossils have been developed by creationist scientists at the Dinosaur Research Project.

Where Did Dinosaurs Come From?

Children stand in awe as they gaze upon the giant skeletons of dinosaurs assembled and preserved in a number of museums around the world. They read books in which pictures portray these astounding animals, often in the frightening poses of terrible meat eaters. The very name dinosaur means “terrible lizard.” But what are dinosaurs? Could God have created such beasts? Read The Origins Papers #5 to find out!