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BS Outdoor Leadership

The Outdoor degree program prepares students for a profession in or related to the outdoors. A student may choose from several focus areas. Each area allows the student to develop skills in wilderness experiences and obtain outdoor professional certification necessary for employment in the area of choice. Graduates from this program find opportunities in state and national parks, environmental interpretative centers, wilderness and adventure medicine, camps, outdoor schools, rescue and relief services, adventure business, therapeutic outdoor programs, and mission organizations.


BS Outdoor Leadership
Outdoor Leadership is more than technical skills training.  It's a liberal arts discipline that combines those outdoor skills (like backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, and rock climbing) with theory and practice in interpersonal communication, behavioral science, counseling, and being a leader.

This degree will offer students the chance to become a Certified Recreational Therapist through the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation.  A recreational therapist helps and encourages a patient with their physical, health, social, and mental well-being by creating and coordinating recreational-based treatment programs and techniques targeted towards the patient's specific needs such as illnesses, disabilities or injuries.

Other career opportunities with this degree include Behavioral Health Professional, Adventure Recreation Specialist, Outdoor Activities/Education Manager, Outdoor Ministry, Cultural Interpreter, Naturalist, Public Relations/Advertising, Professor, SDA Summer Camp Resort Camp Ranger, and Outdoor Activity Guide.

What can I do with an Outdoor Leadership Degree?»

Please check with the Catalog to verify that all class requirements have been met.

Focus Areas

  • Certified Recreational Therapist
  • Adventure Therapy 
  • Business 
  • Outdoor Ministry
  • General 

BS Outdoor Emergency Services 

The degree has two parts.  First, the student takes and successfully completes the AS Nursing degree.  The student then completes the coursework required for the Outdoor Emergency Service degree.

The student will be trained and receive certifications in search and rescue and care for people injured in the wilderness.

The degree focuses primarily on assessing and treating immediate life threats to the patients' airway, breathing and circulation; stabilizing the patient; and transporting them (if necessary) to rendezvous with equal or higher levels of medical care, especially an ambulance.  Based on severity, the student will often manage secondary concerns either before transporting, or while waiting for rendezvous.  These typically include fractures, sprains, bleeding, head injuries, and medical concerns including anaphylaxis, acute myocardial infarction, and diabetes.

What can I do with an Outdoor Emergency Services Degree?»

Please check with the Catalog to verify that all class requirements have been met.