Teacher Education Program Information
- Requirements listed in the catalog
- Initial Admission website (Admission instructions and Praxis Core Test Information)
- Initial Admission Checklist (Print your "To Do" list)
- Initial Admission Application (Print, complete, and submit to Summerour Hall Main Office)
- Adviser
- Student Services
- Professional Development Portfolio Rubric (Reference only. Submit portfolio in LiveText using "Initial Portfolio for TEP Admission" course. You can view the template; go to www.livetext.com and use the Visitor Pass option. Enter code F4FD3413. Click for detailed instruction sheet.)
- Requirements listed in the catalog
- Student Teaching Admission website (Admission instructions, Pre-Session Practicum, and Student Teaching Field Experience)
- Pre-Student Teacher Checklist
- Pre-Student Teaching Application (Due end of third week of semester before student teaching)
- Pre-Student Teaching Recommendation Forms
- Pre-Student Teaching—Program Survey (Reference only. Look in LiveText Forms Inbox after application to Student Teaching)
- Professional Development Portfolio Rubric (Portfolio that was started previously is to be submitted in LiveText using "Portfolio for ST Admission" course.)
- TAHPERD—Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
- SHAPE America—Society of Health and PHysical Educators
- ETS—Educational Testing Service
- PEPRAXIS—Physical Education Praxis Exam Page